Terms of Use

**Terms of Service – Growtraffic.co**

Welcome to Growtraffic.co! These Terms of Service (“Agreement”) govern your use of the Growtraffic.co website (“Site”) and services (“Service”). Please read this Agreement carefully before accessing or using the Site and Service.

**1. Introduction and Modifications**

Growtraffic.co provides businesses and individuals with services and resources related to search engine optimization. The Service includes the website at growtraffic.co (“Site”). Growtraffic.co reserves the right to modify the Service, with or without notice, by adding, modifying, suspending, or discontinuing features.

**2. User Access**

You may access the Site as a user (“User”) with or without creating an account. While certain components are free, Growtraffic.co reserves the right to charge fees for additional features. By accessing the Site, you agree to comply with these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, and applicable laws.

**3. Subscriber and Clicker Terms**

Subscribers (“Buyers”) and Clickers (“Sellers”) agree to specific terms outlined in this Agreement. Subscribers must adhere to payment terms, while Clickers follow terms related to completing orders.

**4. Conditions Governing All Users**

– Users must be human and at least 14 years old.
– Users agree to provide truthful and accurate information.
– Impersonation or misrepresentation of identity is prohibited.
– A valid email address is required.
– Users agree not to authorize others to use their account.
– Users must report security breaches promptly.

**5. Conditions Governing Subscribers**

– Subscribers agree to payment terms for subscription packages.
– Unused credits expire if a subscription lapses.
– Trial credits have specific usage limitations.
– No refunds are provided once payment is made.
– Subscribers are responsible for taxes associated with their purchase.
– Subscriptions renew automatically; cancellation is the user’s responsibility.

**6. Conditions Governing Clickers**

– Clickers complete orders for Subscribers using the Growtraffic.co Firefox add-on.
– IP quality score determines Clickers’ eligibility.
– Payments are issued through PayPal.
– Clickers must not use proxies or automated means.
– Clickers may be exposed to adult content.
– Only one account is allowed per household.

**7. Confidentiality Agreement**

Clickers agree to respect the privacy of confidential information belonging to Growtraffic.co and its parties.

**8. Service Limitations**

Growtraffic.co may establish limits on Service use, modifying or discontinuing features without notice.

**9. Trademarks and Copyrights**

Growtraffic.co owns trademarks, copyrights, and proprietary rights associated with the Site and Service. Users may not exploit Growtraffic.co content without written authorization.

**10. Copyright Infringement**

Report copyright infringement to legal@growtraffic.co, providing necessary details for prompt action.

**11. User Indemnification**

Users agree to indemnify Growtraffic.co against any loss, liability, or claim arising from their use of the Service.

**12. Warranties and Limitations**

Growtraffic.co provides the Service on an “AS IS” basis. Users bear the risk of use, and Growtraffic.co disclaims any warranties.

**13. Limitation of Liability**

Growtraffic.co’s liability is limited to direct damages up to the Services fee for the month of the breach.

**14. Reservation of Rights**

Growtraffic.co reserves all rights not expressly granted in these terms.

**15. Special Admonitions for International Use**

Users agree to comply with local rules and laws regarding user conduct and content.

**16. Miscellaneous Clauses**

– This Agreement is provided in electronic form.
– Notices are sent electronically, and users are responsible for checking terms regularly.
– If any provision is invalid, the remainder remains in effect.
– Users may not assign rights, but Growtraffic.co may.
– Use of cookies is subject to our policy.
– These terms constitute the entire agreement, superseding prior agreements.

For questions or legal issues, contact support@growtraffic.co.